James Bradley Williams is a Los Angeles based writer and director with a sharp eye and a soft touch. After two decades as a 1st AD and Director in mainstream commercial, music video, and new media production, JBW founded NOW Media, Inc. The concept that “NOW" would not only be synonymous with current and progressive media forms, but more importantly…it’s an acronym for "No One Way.”
“I don’t believe that there is any “one way” of doing anything, rather we should consider always giving ourselves the freedom to collaborate and explore new ways. Additionally I refuse to pick a particular niche. I enjoy storytelling. I’m not going to pick between comedy or drama, beauty or graphic, thirty seconds or two hours, commercial or documentary. They all have a place in the world, and in my heart.”
“My greatest joy, besides the sound of my daughter’s laugh, is dreaming up and composing interesting shots. It’s a delicate dance between imposing your vision and letting the shot…show you, what it wants to be. That’s the magic, and why I absolutely LOVE it!”
JBW’s years of experience enable him a unique ability to dream up incredibly creative copy, concept to budget, work exceptionally well with client and crew alike, and do it all without taking himself too seriously.

“Every day we get to be creative, and shine our light on the world, is a gift.”