Director's Statement:
“Ironically when Sam Munoz first asked me if I would consider making this film, I read the script, and had to take pause. Akiva Gavriel had written a great script, but the subject matter was, is, and will forever be…far from comfortable. Treading the waters of molestation, incest, retribution, and religion can be as dark as the abyss that’s within each and every one of us. The contradiction between subject matter and what would be required to contain it, within the boundaries of a short film, would be a delicate dance. The entire film is a simple, yet profound, conversation between two people, where the convicted nature of their characters would need to be balanced by subtle art direction, gentle camera movement, and long uncomfortable pauses. More often than not, we need to consider letting go of expectation, and allow the film to show us what it wants to be. It was facing those challenges, that ultimately made me say yes. The result is an outstanding performance by both actors and an award winning suspenseful drama that’s edgy, patient, raw, and relevant. It draws the viewer in, holds them tight, and in the end…raises questions and provokes thought.”